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About us

Convergenze S.p.A. Società Benefit is an integrated technology operator listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (Euronext Growth Milan) active nationwide in the Telecommunications, Energy, E-mobility sectors with the EVO (Electric Vehicles Only) network. It has its operational and legal headquarters in Capaccio Paestum, a municipality of Salerno.

The Company was founded in 2005 with the aim of bridging the digital divide in Cilento (Salerno district) through wireless technology. From being a single-product operator, the company soon began to decline the philosophy that inspired its own name "Convergenze" and applied for General Authorisation to offer Fixed Telephony services to the public as a telecommunications operator, first local, then regional and, since 2015, national, characterising its offer with a Voice+Data bundle. Today, it operates with all the different access technology, in wholesale on other operators' networks, but especially with FTTH GPON and Wireless UWA technology on proprietary networks. In order to implement the fibre-optic network, Convergenze has held the General Authorisation for the implementation of Electronic Communication networks throughout the country since the end of 2014.

Convergenze has later diversified its service activities, in 2015, by approaching the energy and natural gas market. Initially it operated as a reseller, until becoming a Dispatching Operator at the end of 2017.

Planning, R&D and trainings are the main tools in which the company continuously invests for new innovation, while pursuing its business model which is inspired by the "green practices". In the Energy field, the company has chosen to sell and supply only energy from 100% renewable sources and has heavily invested in setting up charging stations for electric cars, EVO (Electric Vehicles Only), encouraging sustainable mobility.

Our operational headquarter, the Convergenze Innovation Centre, is a model of efficiency for the company's day-to day operations.

In the basement there is the data centre, with an equipped space of 20 Racks, and an available space of 60, a 400KvA redundant UPS (expandable to 800), a 70kW double cooling circuit, a 450kW generator, 50gbps connectivity, which is a candidate to be one of the largest, most advanced and powerful in Southern Italy. The data centre will host advanced virtualisation services bundled on the market with the FTTH network (ultrabroadband up to 300mbps) and a European network with a very high number of interconnections. This will help us win the competitive challenge against international players like Amazon, OVH, Aruba and Linode.

Convergenze Innovation Center also features the largest photovoltaic system in Southern Italy using Double Glass Technology.

This particular technology, in addition of guaranteeing high productivity, allows an easier integration with the architectural lines of the building, in full respect with the environment: high technology and landscape integration.

Convergenze has obtained the following certifications:

  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certification
  • UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification
  • UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017 Information Security Management System Certification
  • ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Certification of Security Controls for Cloud Services
  • ISO/IEC ISO 27018:2019 Information technology certification - Code of conduct for the protection of Personally Identifiable information (PII) in public cloud services for cloud providers
  • Certificazione ISO 22301:2019 per il sistema di gestione sicurezza della continuità operativa
In 2019, the company also obtained an Industrial Invention Patent for the creation and realisation of the EVO electric car charging station.


Convergenze operates according to the following fundamental principles:

  • the focus on the customer, who remains the user of goods and services produced by the entire economic system;
  • the use of state-of-the-art technologies, through which it offers connectivity services with the best available skills according to the type of service offered;
  • the complete control of the supply chain;
  • the use of green practices as a business model;
  • the commitment to ethical and moral principles as a charitable company.

Convergenze S.p.A. Società Benefit's Internet Network has a constant daily growth. Today our NOC in Capaccio is bound with multiple connections to Rome at the NaMeX site (200gbps), to Milan at MIX (200gbps) and to Bari at the NaMeX site (100gbps). Rome is our strategic hub where, in addition of purchasing transit from GTT (10gbps), Cogent (10gbps) and Lumen (10gbps), we also reach the European interchange centres AMS-IX (5gbps), LINX (2.5gbps) and FranceIX in Paris (5gbps). In Milan, in addition of having a network load balancer connected with Rome, we reach the NETIX network (5gbps) and the DE_CIX interchange points in Frankfurt (10gbps), ANY2 in Los Angeles (1gbps), HKIX in Hong Kong (1gbps), IX.br in San Paolo, Brazil (1gbps), NAPAfrica in Johannesburg (1gbps) and Anix in Tirana (10gbps). Convergenze's capillary presence throughout Europe has made it the second most interconnected network in Italy and among the top 20 in the world, with approximately 3200 adjacencies. Since 2013, our President Rosario Pingaro has been a member of the Board of Directors of the NaMeX Consortium, Italy's second NAP, and since 2021 he has also been its Vice-President. At the same level, Convergenze's network has undergone no minor changes in offering fixed voice services, and it is now based on a dual architecture: TDM SS7 and ITC-IP, which is a derivation from the SIP VoIP technology. There are 17 interconnection points with TIM's Voice Network and they reach all 16 Gateway Areas, with the result of a full national coverage. The following OPBs (Optical Packet Backbone) are linked to the network of Convergenze: Rome, Pescara, Brescia, Nola, Ancona, Florence, Perugia, Milan, Bari, Palermo, Bologna, Genoa, Turin, Como, Venice, Verona and Naples.

These achievements provide our customers with an ever-increasing quality of service and the certainty that we can serve them throughout the Country.

  • 1 gb/s
  • 2 gb/s
  • 5 gb/s
  • 10 gb/s
  • 100 gb/s
  • 200 gb/s
Visit Convergenze Innovation Center
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Visit Convergenze Innovation Center
Rosario Pingaro
CEO & CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
Luciano Malito Rebecco
Grazia Pingaro
Vice President
Head of Energy Division
Teresa Palladino
Giosuè Manguso
Chair of the Audit Committee
Fabio Spagnuolo
Domenico Caliendo
Rosario Pingaro
CEO & CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
Grazia Pingaro
Vice President
Head of Energy Division
Carmine Malito Rebecco
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
Fabio Palladino
CDO (Chief Digital Officer)
Antonietta Mandetta
Sales Director
Marisa Sica
Brand Marketing &
Communication Manager
Web Marketing Strategy

Front office

Concetta Bambacaro
Front Office Coordinatore
Giuseppe Mandetta
Customer Service
Stefania Lombardi
Customer Service
Vito Palladino
Customer Service
Paola Caramante
Customer Service
Ivana Galardi
Customer Service
Stefania Chirico
Customer Service
Sara Nigro
Customer Service
Gaetano Nobile
Customer Service
Antonio Trimarco
Customer Service
Marco Sorvillo
Customer Service


Stefania Cannizzaro
Agnese Mandetta

Sales department

Antonietta Mandetta
Sales Director
Pino Sorrentino
Sales & Area Manager
Lorenzo Fraiese
Account Manager
Monica Di Giovanni
Account Manager
Mariagloria Di Chiara
Account Manager
Mirko Russo
Sales & Customer Care Manager
Mariagrazia Sangiovanni
Sales & Customer Care
Roberto Casale
Sales & Customer Care
Zaira Romano
Sales & Customer Care
Pietro Di Sessa
Sales & Customer Care
Sara Lupo
Sales & Customer Care
Giovanna Romeo
Sales & Customer Care
Angelo Bazzani
Customer Service
Rocco Prearo
Customer Service


Sergio Sais
Wholesale Manager
Liliana Ragni
Wholesale Assistant

Administrative Staff

Emilio Parmisciano
Office Coordinator
Angelo Sangiovanni
Office Administrator
Mauro Garofalo
Office Administrator
Tiziana Lambiase
Office Administrator
Cristian Musone
Office Administrator
Luigina Guerra
Office Administrator
Francesca Franco
Office Administrator


Carmine Malito Rebecco
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
Simona Mirarchi
Massimiliano Mollo

Affari Generali

Merirosa Galzerano
Administrative Support

Electrical power and methane gas

Grazia Pingaro
Energy Division Director
Teresa Palladino
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Nazario Miglino
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Daniele Doronzio
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Giovanna Palladino
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Maria De Luca
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Vincenzo Cassese
Electrical Power and Natural Gas
Luca Di Filippo
Electrical Power and Natural Gas

IT Technicians

Marcellino Marino
IT Technician
Cosimo Di Matteo
IT Technician
Romeo Rizzo
IT Technician
Giovanni Materazzi
IT Technician
Gianfranco Mazza
IT Technician
Emiliano Tommasini
IT Technician
Francesco Cardone
IT Technician
Simone Puglia
IT Technician
Toni Paradiso
IT Technician
Armando Ippolito
IT Technician

Team of Fibre Installation Technicians

Silvio Inglese
Fibre Optic Technician
Andrea Di Gregorio
Fibre Optic Technician
Diego Inglese
Fibre Optic Technician
Antonio Modica
Fibre Optic Technician
Antonio Di Matteo
Fibre Optic Technician
Antonio Aletta
Fibre Optic Technician
Pietro Mazza
Fibre Optic Technician
Mauro De Matteis
Fibre Optic Technician
Michele Castaldo
Fibre Optic Technician
Paolo Taddeo
Fibre Optic Technician
Antonio Montuori
Fibre Optic Technician
Marco Giordano
Tecnico Installatore Fibra
Emanuele Penza
Fibre Optic Technician
Andriy Pryyma
Fibre Optic Technician

Civil Works Design and Supervision

Marianna Ruggiero
FTTH Project Supervisor
Vincenzo Miano
FTTH Project Supervisor
Alessandro Barlotti
FTTH Project Supervisor

Customer Technical Support

Emiliano Gorrasi
Provisioning, Wholesale Telecom Italia, Technical Support Coordinator
Raffaele Gregorio
Customer Technical Support
Giancarlo Leo
Customer Technical Support
Nico Ianniello
Customer Technical Support
Marco Agresti
Customer Technical Support
Mario Franco
Customer Technical Support
Rosamaria Fraiese
Customer Technical Support
Vincenzo Malito Rebecco
Regulatory Affairs & TC
DPO (Data Protection Officer)

Digital Platform Development

Fabio Palladino
CDO (Chief Digital Officer)
Mariateresa Modugno
Senior Web Analist Developer
Ciro Avella
Software Web Developer
Rosaria Napoli
Software Web Developer

Research & Development

Francesco D'Anisi
System Administrator
Carmine Gregorio
System Administrator
Luigi Voso
System Administrator
Emanuele Bellezza
System Administrator

Communication and Marketing

Marisa Sica
Brand Marketing &
Communication Manager
Web Marketing Strategy
Rosamaria Veropalumbo
Graphic Designer
Antonello Giannattasio
Digital Marketing Manager
Pieranna Cursaro
Brand & Communication Specialist
Social Media Manager
Alessandro Guida
Graphic Designer
Organigramma Convergenze